Make Climate an Event

Make Climate an Event is our extracurricular initiative. Our event models engage students in new ways and spark cross-disciplinary dialogue on climate solutions within your institution.
Interactive events can bring together students, parents, educators, professionals, decisionmakers, activists and other community members in new ways to spark cross-disciplinary dialogue and action.
We invite you to Make Climate an Event. Your team determines the content and format that works best for your learning community. We invite you to explore nearly 1000 examples of events from around the world, content resources, ideas, models and planning tools to enable you to create a meaningful event.​ We can help you to plan your own event.
What does a Climate Event look like?
Events come in all shapes and sizes!
You can organize an hour, an evening or a day of activities including book readings, speakers, film screenings, and conservations. We can help you design an event best fit for your community.
Can it be virtual? How do I find a speaker?
It can be online or in person! We will help you to promote your virtual or hybrid events to our global network.
If you need a speaker check out our Speakers Bureau and we can connect you to an expert!
I want to host a Climate Event!
Now what...
Event Planning Resources
Start by considering your resources, who can help plan and what type of event will you be hosting? What are your goals? Who are your intended participants?
With these things considered browse our partner resource databases for information, content ideas, and activities. Make sure to check out our list of Climate Games and our 10-minute Climate Plays!
Explore our How-To Guides, for suggestions on how to organize and host an event. Our marketing kit includes logos, templates for posters, sample emails and other benefits.
When you have decided to organize an event, please register your event so that your institution can be represented on our interactive map. It is easy to update as you work out your plan.
Our blog highlights resources from our partners, fellow hosts, and more! Explore online curriculums, digital games, classroom plans and Earth month ideas for your grade level:
Event Examples
Students at the University of Nebraska-Omaha and at Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University in Peshawar, Pakistan completed a reading of the play "When Birds Fly Away" by Pakistani playwright and actor Maha Hasan. They then attended a shared Zoom discussion to discuss the plays' themes and concepts related to climate change, climate justice and gender.

A community teach-in took place on May 6th, 2023 in one of the most controversial places in the
Philippines, Tanay, Rizal, home of the Dumagat Indigenous Groups who are protesting environmentally destructive hydroelectric dam projects along their mountain ranges. The purpose of the teach-in is to engage the local Indigenous farmers about climate change and explore their ideas regarding climate mitigation and adaptation.

Ready to Host?
It is important to get your event on the map as soon as possible- so even if you are only thinking of hosting, please register!
Visit our guide on filling out and editing the event sign up page to understand the full process. When you are ready click below- note this will open up in a new webpage!