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Climate Games day

Do you use games to educate your students about climate change, solutions and justice? We invite you and your students to participate in the first Worldwide Climate and Justice Games Day April 11, 2025 during Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week 2025.  We encourage everyone to play educational games and simulations on that day. Click on this link for more games!

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Getting started

Explore our full database of Climate Games. Please share the games you or your students play at Climate Education Games (

Start planning today and register on our interactive maps to demonstrate your commitment and be represented. It is easy to update your plans. Of course, there is no reason to wait until April to start educating your students about climate change, justice and solutions.

CAtan - new energies

Our partner CATAN has generously offered to provide a copy of CATAN – New Energies to the first 100 educators (middle through college) in US or Canada who sign up to commit to using CATAN – New Energies during Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week 2025. We regret that this offer is available only to teachers on Canada and the US.


CATAN – New Energies is classic CATAN with a modern and relevant twist. You must decide: Invest in clean energy resources or opt for cheaper fossil fuels, potentially causing disastrous effects for the island? In its essence, this CATAN variant highlights the importance of transitioning to green energy.

Connexus Energy, the Midwest’s largest member-owned nonprofit electric cooperative, provided pollinator-friendly Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs)—retired in CATAN Studio’s name—for the amount of power used by the factory in manufacturing the game. The English edition is printed and assembled in the United States using sustainable wood and paper sources, and it has no plastic components.



"ENERGETIC is a four to six player collaborative game. You work as a team to build a carbon-neutral power grid, while managing the region’s public opinion, grid stability, and money" (ENRGETIC V.10). This game las 2.5 hours which can be played throughout the worldwide climate education week. For more information click here

More resources from ENERGETIC that include information educators guidebefore playing, after playing, and real world connections click the links above. 


To find more games to participate in the first Worldwide Climate and Justice Games Day April 11, 2025 during Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week 2025 go to our blog!

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